Between theology and philosophy: author's polemics around the Byzantine tradition in a post-secular context
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number 20-011-00400
Byzantine philosophy, reception of ancient philosophy, author's polemics, Byzantine theology, Hellenism and Christianity, theology and philosophy, post-secular contextAbstract
Who was the last ancient thinker, and who was the first Byzantine philosopher, and who was the last representative of this vast and multifaceted intellectual tradition? The question of the nature and specifics of philosophy in Byzantium was solved and discussed in the Russian humanitarian tradition of
recent years, undulating, and actually manifesting itself in the content and storyline of large publication polemics, scientific literary discussions, and epistolary disputes. The article is devoted to a vivid episode of the formation of the discussion field around the concept of "Byzantine philosophy" in connection with the cycle of current publications and subsequent acute discussions of the author's positions. The research perspective can be considered as the beginning of a detailed review of the discussion horizon of the modern field of research of Byzantine philosophy in Russia. Special attention is paid to the critical positions, argumentative practices and rhetorical techniques used by participants in this scientific discussion, which is formed in the post-secular context of religious ideas and intellectual attitudes.
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