Categories of the human rights series in the annual messages President to the Federal Assembly Russian Federation


  • Alevtina E. Novikova Belgorod National Research University



protection, guarantees, security, human rights, annual message


The main internal and external directions of state policy are reflected in the annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, which are interpreted in the legal literature as a political and legal act. Due to the fact that the messages of the President of Russia did not act as an independent empirical basis for human rights issues, the author presents an analysis of such documents for the use of key categories in them – "protection", "guarantees", "provision" in comparison with their addressees, state and implementation guidelines. Their variability is revealed, for example, in correlation with the subjective rights of certain categories of persons, statuses and States. The article considers public subjects of implementation of protection, guarantee, and guarantee of individual rights and freedoms identified in the framework of the declared political and legal acts. The results of legalizing the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, taking into account his messages, are presented. The chronological period covers 2005–2020.

Author Biography

Alevtina E. Novikova, Belgorod National Research University

associate Professor, candidate of law, associate Professor of the Department of constitutional and international law of the law Institute of the Belgorod state national research University,

Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 575




How to Cite

Novikova, A. E. (2020). Categories of the human rights series in the annual messages President to the Federal Assembly Russian Federation. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(3), 542-549.



Public law (state-legal) sciences