Relevance As a Request Management Tool in the Context of the Network Media Text Transformation Web 2.0–3.0


  • Svetlana V. Baranova Belgorod State National Research University



information society, media text, artificial intelligence, Web 2.0, Web 3.0, Internet, neural network, relevance, algorithm, search query


Technological transformations of the network environment are constantly opening up new windows of opportunity. The process of their implementation generates a number of expectations, one way or another related to the mission of the information society. The multi-complex Network structure provides an answer to a user request, which eventually acquired the status of a product and became the object of manipulation. Most obviously, this trend can be traced in the transformation of the media text. The value of a media text may vary depending on the ranking tool applied. One of these tools is the relevance category. The purpose of the study to reveal the contradictions between a natural query and a search algorithm, which ultimately affect the right of the content that is more significant to the audience to be prioritized due to its immanent properties, rather than artificially modeled parameters. The article traces the evolution of the media text, in particular, its transformation from the Web 1.0 paradigm to Web 3.0.  The study of the problem allowed us to establish a clearer causal relationship between the semantic, ideological context and the technological foundation of the modern information environment through concepts such as algorithm, relevance, hype, as well as through the definition of the role function of the so-called beneficiaries interested in extracting their own benefits from the information management process.


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Author Biography

Svetlana V. Baranova, Belgorod State National Research University

Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications



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Abstract views: 6




How to Cite

Baranova, S. V. (2024). Relevance As a Request Management Tool in the Context of the Network Media Text Transformation Web 2.0–3.0. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(3), 553-562.



Human. Culture. Society. Morality