Cultural-Historical Practice: To the History of One Concept. Part 2
activity, person, culture, history, practice, cultural and historical practiceAbstract
The article is a continuation of the analysis of the concept of cultural-historical practice, popular in the philosophy of the 20th century and now found on the periphery of philosophical discourse. The purpose of this article is to study the potential of the concept of cultural and historical practice for understanding the urgent problems of cultural diversity. The authors show changes in the semantic content of the concept of "practice" from the Soviet philosophical tradition to modern philosophy. The dynamics of the key meanings of practice is revealed in the context of correlation with the concept of history, culture and technology. The conclusion is made about the change in the discourse about practice towards understanding practice as a multiple phenomenon that occurred as a result of the collision of European thinking with the "challenge" of history, other ways of life and many cultures, as well as technology as a necessary and at the same time dangerous "avatar" of the other.
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