Semantics of the Tragic in L. Beethoven’s Piano Music


  • Nataliia V. Tkach Matusovsky Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts
  • Aotgenhuar Belgorod State National Research University



semantics, piano, programming, tragic, world experience


Understanding the “mechanisms” of expressing a tragic worldview in music is necessary to determine the semiotic transformation of musical culture. The semiotic analysis of the Beethoven sonata showed that the integral structure of the musical work and its individual elements convey the semantics and symbolism of the tragic worldview. The study revealed several levels of musical poetics in the individual style of the composer: 1) semantic – as an analysis of the meanings and sometimes the content of the elements of a musical language with the provision of additional semantics specific to each individual case; 2) aesthetic – as a selection of means of expression and a complete set of content components due to tragic world experience: a special piano texture, dynamics and other author’s remarks; 3) symbolic – as giving the elements of a musical composition of meanings that model tragic world experience. It is concluded that the main principle of the embodiment of the tragic worldview in Beethoven’s works is the principle of harmonic contrast of figurative genre, harmonic, rhythmic, melodic structures.

Author Biographies

Nataliia V. Tkach, Matusovsky Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts

Senior Lecturer at the Matusovsky Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts, Lugansk, Luhansk People's Republic, Russia.

Aotgenhuar, Belgorod State National Research University

graduate student at the Department of Philosophy and Theology, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

Tkach, N. V., & Aotgenhuar. (2023). Semantics of the Tragic in L. Beethoven’s Piano Music. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(4), 839-849.



Cultural studies and philosophy of art