The Innovation Potential of Music Education in China
musical art of China, innovations in culture, problem of national in art, problem of values, globalizationAbstract
The results of the study of the formation of music education in China against the background of the cultural context are presented. In the course of the work, the problem of innovation against the background of the processes of Westernization and globalization, which originates from the end of the monarchical regime in China in the XX century, is revealed, but in the conditions of modernity is of an increasing nature, the substantiation of the value orientations of innovations in music education of the People's Republic of China is determined. It is concluded that innovations as a new round of development should be based on national cultural traditions in synthesis with the development and reinterpretation of Western values (against the background of globalization) in the context of national culture. The results of the study can be applied in the formation of curricula at the music faculties of higher educational institutions in China.
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