Social Discontent and Consolidation Contexts on Social Media of the Russian Federation Regional Clusters
social media, networks of social discontent, contexts of social discontent, cognitive mapping, cluster analysis, regionalismAbstract
The specificity of the representation of the contexts of social discontent reflected in the social media space of Russian regions, clustered according to economic and socio-political characteristics, is shown. In the course of clustering, open data of indices of economic and political development of Russian regions were used. Segmentation of the subjects of the Russian Federation was carried out using hierarchical cluster analysis (complete method) in the R programming language. To analyze the regional features of the representation of the contexts of social discontent, cognitive mapping of the content of social media communities of the subjects of the Russian Federation included in different clusters was used. The cognitive mapping database was processed in IBM SPSS Statistics 26.0. The results of the study showed the relationship between the contexts of social discontent reflected in the social media of the region and the indicators of their socio-economic and socio-political development.
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