The Dialogue of Philosophy and Religion in the Context of Modern Socio-Cultural Reality: Can Philosophy Be a "New Religion"? Evgeny
worldview, faith, knowledge, religion, philosophy, science, myth, rational, irrational, unityAbstract
The authors explore the stages of the genesis of the worldview, the problems of its actualization in the modern period of history. It is shown that a person can distinguish two most important ways of understanding the world: irrational and rational, based respectively on faith and knowledge. The evolution of the worldview leads to the transformation of an irrational person (who believes more) into a rational person (who knows more), and then to a rational–irrational person (with the increasing actualization of the latter). If at the first stages myth and religion played a dominant role, and then science, then at present philosophy can play an integrating role in the formation of a holistic worldview. Philosophy strives not for partial, concrete, relative, non-valuable knowledge, but for complete, absolute, integral and valuable knowledge. It is concluded that in an increasingly chaotic world, philosophy is able to assimilate both scientific and religious ideas, integrate the achievements of the entire human culture, becoming the basis for the formation of unity.
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