Cosmism and Russian Religious Philosophy


  • Vladimir V. Lytkin Tsiolkovsky`s Kaluga State University



philosophy, Russian philosophy, cosmism, mutual influence


The philosophy of Russian cosmism has its deep foundations in the tradition of Russian religious philosophy. Russian Russian cosmism philosophy was based, first of all, on the natural-scientific worldview paradigm, while Russian religious philosophy developed within the framework of the Christian, religious worldview paradigm. However, both philosophical traditions were formed within the framework of Russian culture, with its specific ideological concepts and principles, with its special value orientations. Russian Russian religious and philosophical tradition, in one way or another, had its own direct and indirect influence on the formation of the philosophy of Russian cosmism.

Author Biography

Vladimir V. Lytkin, Tsiolkovsky`s Kaluga State University

Honorary Professor of the International Space University, Strasbourg, France; doctor of philosophy, Professor, head of the Department of philosophy and cultural studies of The Tsiolkovsky` Kaluga State University,
Kaluga, Russia.


Список источников

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Циолковский К.Э. 2004. Космическая философия. М., ИДЛи, Сфера, 496 с.

Чижевский Л.А. 1924. Физические факторы исторического процесса. Калуга, Ассоциация «Калуга-Марс», 72 с.

Список литературы

Лыткин В.В. 2020. Осмысление «идеала» русским космизмом. В кн.: Человек в культуре: Философские, антропологические, региональные аспекты культуры и русского космизма: монография. М., РУСАЙНС: 9–25.

Лыткин В.В. 2020. Социальные идеалы в философии. В кн.: Человек в культуре: Философские, антропологические, региональные аспекты культуры и русского космизма: монография. М., РУСАЙНС: 7–43.

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Abstract views: 86




How to Cite

Lytkin, V. V. (2022). Cosmism and Russian Religious Philosophy. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(4), 633-641.



History of philosophy, social sciences and humanities