The Paradoxical Ideology of Narodnichestvo in the Legal Culture of the Russian Intellectuals


  • Aleksey V. Rimsky Belgorod Law Institute I.D. Putilin Institute of Law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Maria M. Ismagilova Cultural and Sports Center (branch of OOO Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky)



Narodnichestvo, ideology, legal culture, revolutionary activism, rebelliousness, extremism, raznochin intelligentsia, literary-centrism


The ideology of Narodnichestvo has historical and topical significance in the development of legal consciousness and legal culture of Russian society. It reveals the paradoxes of both past and present: Russian intelligentsia embodied the cultural and historical mission in relation to the people as an organic community. In the formation of legal culture with obvious manifestation of the paradox between faith in the people and literary-centrism, containing the idea of returning to the pre-Christian principles of original life, which was a consequence of an era of secularization and not continuity of constitutionalism and conservatism development of Russia.


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Author Biographies

Aleksey V. Rimsky, Belgorod Law Institute I.D. Putilin Institute of Law of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Police Lieutenant, Lecturer at the Department of State and Legal Disciplines, I.D. Putilin Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Belgorod, Russia

Maria M. Ismagilova, Cultural and Sports Center (branch of OOO Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky)

Secretary of the Head of the Cultural and Sports Center (branch of Gazprom transgaz Tchaikovsky), Tchaikovsky, Russia


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How to Cite

Rimsky, A. V., & Ismagilova, M. M. (2022). The Paradoxical Ideology of Narodnichestvo in the Legal Culture of the Russian Intellectuals. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(2), 230-237.



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