Literary and Mythological Plot Archetypes of Violence, Peace and Mercy in Pre-Islamic Poetry and Prose
peace and mercy, Arab-Semitic pre-Islamic mythology, jahiliyah, qasida, genres of pre-Islamic Arabic poetry, khutba, shaira, khatibAbstract
As part of the implementation of this goal, the problem of reconstruction of the archetypes of violence, peace and mercy, which formed the basis of the ideological constructs of the religion of Islam, is considered. The author of the article sets the task of extracting the archetypal basis, dissolved in the Arab-Semitic (pre-Islamic) mythology, which has become part of the sacred texts of Islam. The author's analysis of the Arab-Semitic mythology, which was reflected in the Arab pagan pantheon, myths and legends, made it possible to reconstruct the literary and mythological archetypes of pre-Islamic Arabic poetry and prose. The author of the article concludes that the archetypes of violence, peace and mercy, formed by Arab mythology, were reflected in pre-Islamic poetry and prose, glorifying the tribal patriotism of pre-Islamic Arabian tribes and the values of tribal society. Islamic theology, focused on the universalism of the religion of Islam, adopted the literary and mythological plot archetypes of violence, peace and mercy of pre-Islamic poetry and prose and reworked them in accordance with the needs of the new monotheistic religion, going far beyond the ethics of tribal patriotism.
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