Global Network Communication and the Rational Person
virtual man, discourse, network communications, information flows, scientific rationality, nonlinear thinkingAbstract
This article deals with the problem of natural modifications of knowledge and rationality as a universal value of European culture. on the network world order that is becoming the norm and the objective reality of modern existence, Comprehended the issues of axiology rational values in the transition from traditional linear thinking as the heritage of European science classic to outside the box – nonlinear models and to models of thinking and acting. The need for the latter is explained by a number of "fateful" conditions and factors that largely determine the risk, instability and instability of the ontology of humanity in the current era. In terms of the growing power of virtualization freedom, promotion of identity in the space of Internet discourse, the author raises the problem of ethical boundaries and moral reserves "virtual person", and the broader culture of virtual communication media and information flow.
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