Cloud democracy as a synthesis of two forms of democracy: political and textual analysis of the book "Cloud democracy" by L.M. Volkov and F.G. Krasheninnikov


  • Nikita S. Egorov Belgorod National Research University



political philosophy, cloud democracy, direct democracy, representative democracy, political representation, political participation, expression of will, political institutions, political subjectivity, technooptimism


Political representation is one of the сentral problems of political philosophy. Representative democracy has been widely used and is being used by States in the twenty-first century. However, there are modern theoretical models that tend to the opposite form of democracy – direct democracy. One of these models is cloud democracy, described in the self-titled manifesto book by L.M. Volkov and F.G. Krasheninnikov. The purpose of the study is to analyze the theoretical synthesis of elements of direct and representative democracy, proposed in the book "Cloud democracy". This book has been mentioned in the scientific literature, but has not yet been the subject of the issue. The article considers the democratic mechanisms of cloud democracy; describes the forms of political participation suggested by L.M. Volkov and F. G. Krasheninnikov; provided the connection of the democratic mechanisms of cloud democracy with information technologies The modern criticism of direct and representative democracy is considered. The study concludes that cloud democracy offers fundamentally new opportunities for delegating power and less delegation.

Author Biography

Nikita S. Egorov, Belgorod National Research University

Master of Philosophy


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Abstract views: 339




How to Cite

Egorov, N. S. (2021). Cloud democracy as a synthesis of two forms of democracy: political and textual analysis of the book "Cloud democracy" by L.M. Volkov and F.G. Krasheninnikov. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(2), 392-400.


