The theologian's right to be... (aspects of "theological existence" in the concept of K. Bart)


  • Sergey А. Kolesnikov Belgorod law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia



K. Barth, Christian theology, modern theology, theological existence, qualities of the theologian, prospects of theology, responsibility of theology


The article considers the question about the nature of theological knowledge and perspectives of development of the modern theologian. The subject of consideration is the theological concept of K. Bart and his understanding of the structural specificity of the process of registration of the theological view of the world. From Bart's point of view, the initial impulse to the theological interpretation of the world is important. The article analyzes in detail the route of Bart's theological growth. As the defining points are his Preface to various publications "Epistles to the Romans", appearing in the form of a kind of theological diary. A detailed analysis of each Preface against the background of spiritual and historical events allows us to see the specifics of the theological development of Bart's concept. Each mentioned year of writing the Preface is organically included in the Preface itself: it is not just the date of writing this text, it is the text itself, standing out against the background of a pulsating era. Bart's Preface should be considered as stages of theological growth. The theologian, according to Bart, listens to what is pronounced in it, the experience of this listening is the experience of the theological attitude. The more accurate this experience is, the richer the gamma of tonalities transmitted by the theologian. The surprise at how unusual an external reality can become, illuminated by the theological worldview, is closely related to the surprise of the changes taking place within the theologian himself. K. Barth proposed a new understanding of truth and error in the theological study, assumed the inherent right of the theologian to make a mistake. Important aspects of the theory of theological existence, according to Bart, are the challenges facing the theologian: loneliness, shame, responsibility, and others. In the list of qualities inherent in the theologian, K. Barth included such features as the creative nature of theological research, paradoxical, metaphysical surprise, loyalty to the theological vocation, willingness to risk a theological search.

Author Biography

Sergey А. Kolesnikov, Belgorod law Institute of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia

Doctor of Philology, Professor of Belgorod Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after I.D. Putilin,
Vice-Rector for Research at Belgorod Orthodox Theological Seminary (with missionary focus),
Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 312




How to Cite

KolesnikovS. А. (2021). The theologian’s right to be. (aspects of "theological existence" in the concept of K. Bart). NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(2), 308-318.



Religion studies and sociology of culture