Sociodynamics of changes in the cultural and value orientations of the urban community in the context of the problem of determining socio-cultural constants


  • Valentin P. Babintsev Belgorod National Research University
  • Galina N. Gaidukova Belgorod National Research University
  • Zhanna A. Shapoval Belgorod National Research University


sociocultural constants, value orientations, urban community, renovation, cultural needs, sociocultural dynamics


The problem of the role of cultural and value orientations of the urban community in determining the socio-cultural constants of its life activity is considered. It is emphasized that the presence of such constants is the most important determinant of the use of socio-cultural constants, which act as a system of "certainties", which can be used both in building life strategies and in everyday actions, and is necessary for the consolidation and reproduction of urban communities. Based on the results of the author's sociological research, it is shown that the choice of cultural preferences of the population is largely determined by its value orientations, such as family happiness, health, personal safety and the safety of their loved ones, freedom and independence. However, it is noted that the residents of modern cities are characterized by a lack of value consensus, which negatively affects the prospects for determining sociocultural constants. It is empirically confirmed that at present, despite all the socio-cultural changes, ethical and aesthetic criteria remain important in the assessment of cultural phenomena. However, along with them, when determining cultural preferences, a significant part of people proceed from purely pragmatic considerations – resource availability and novelty. The pragmatization of the perception of urban culture is most clearly manifested in everyday cultural practices and is largely stimulated by the increasingly widespread use of Internet technologies and the use of gadgets. All this translates the problem of determining sociocultural constants mainly into the technological plane, deprives it of value content and objectively "deactualizes" it.

Author Biographies

Valentin P. Babintsev, Belgorod National Research University

Dr. Philosophy, Professor of the Department of Social Technologies and Civil Service Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

Galina N. Gaidukova, Belgorod National Research University

Ph.D. in sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Technologies and Civil Service Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

Zhanna A. Shapoval, Belgorod National Research University

Ph.D. in sociology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Technologies and Civil Service Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Babintsev, V. P., Gaidukova, G. N., & Shapoval, Z. A. (2021). Sociodynamics of changes in the cultural and value orientations of the urban community in the context of the problem of determining socio-cultural constants. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(1), 36-46. Retrieved from



Sociology and social technologies