Foreign Studies of Human Identity in the Era of Postmodern Culture


  • Anton I. Rastvorov Don State Agrarian University
  • Olga B. Emelyanova Don State Agrarian University



identity, postmodernity, information society, identity crisis, globalization, consumption


Identity in modern culture is a multifaceted phenomenon that requires careful theoretical and methodological analysis. In a world where culture is constantly changing and evolving, personal identity becomes like a kaleidoscope, each revolution of which reveals new patterns and shapes. Identity is no longer just a reflection of national or ethnic identity. It becomes a mosaic consisting of various fragments – social status, religion, language, cultural affiliation. These fragments interact with each other, creating unique combinations of identity that are as unique as fingerprints. Let's look at some of the most important concepts of identity researchers. The article examines the psychological aspects of the identity crisis in the teenage period of E. Erickson; freedom and responsibility in the concept of E. Fromm; self-presentation to others in the works of I. Hoffman; the idea of internal dialogue in the concept of G. Hermans; the concept of a metamorphosed "Protean personality" by R. J. Lifton; the paradigm shift of the role of women in society by B. Friedan; the theory of imaginary landscapes A. Appadurai, formed through cultural representations of people; the concept of "fluid modernity" by Z. Bauman on the flexibility of identity and culture; the concepts of the "third wave" and "shock of the future" by E. Toffler; the theory of the "global village" by M. Castells.


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Author Biographies

Anton I. Rastvorov, Don State Agrarian University

Postgraduate student


Olga B. Emelyanova, Don State Agrarian University

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Socio-Humanitarian Disciplines



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How to Cite

Rastvorov, A. I., & Emelyanova, O. B. (2024). Foreign Studies of Human Identity in the Era of Postmodern Culture. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(3), 563-573.



Human. Culture. Society. Morality