On the question of the modalities of joining and differentiating canon law and state law


  • Isidore (R.V. Tupikin), Metropolitan of Smolensk and dorogobuzhsky Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary




ecclesiastical law, canon law, theology, state law, intersections in law


The author examines and explains the nature, features and ways of influence of canonical church law on state law, and also shows the reasons for scientific interest in these issues. According to the author, the influence of canon law (Lex Canonica) on state law is primarily manifested in the recognition by state judicial bodies of canon law norms and decisions of religious courts of religious organizations. Therefore, the article examines the extensive modern jurisprudence (USA and Canada), showing the recognition by the courts (state) of the autonomous exclusive competence of religious organizations in interpreting the norms of canon law. The author draws a conclusion about the difference between state law and church law (Lex Canonica) in nature, source basis, structure and ontology of their own, but at the same time, in the author's opinion, these two normative systems interact in a complex way, mutually affect each other.


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Author Biography

Isidore (R.V. Tupikin), Metropolitan of Smolensk and dorogobuzhsky, Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary

candidate of law, rector of the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary of the Smolensk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, associate Professor of the Department of theological and Church-historical disciplines of the Seminary,

Smolensk, Russia


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How to Cite

Isidore (R.V. Tupikin), Metropolitan of Smolensk and dorogobuzhsky. (2021). On the question of the modalities of joining and differentiating canon law and state law. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(4), 781-791. https://doi.org/10.18413/2712-746X-2020-45-4-781-791



Public law (state-legal) sciences

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