National idea in the Russian constitution: theoretical assessment of key provisions


  • Ivan N. Kuksin Belgorod National Research University
  • Nikolay V. Selikhov Belgorod National Research University



patriotism, Constitution, class state, ideology, human rights, popular sovereignty, representative democracy


The national idea is the basic principle of the nation's life structure, which it forms, implements and develops. Therefore, the national idea is something that unites, consolidates society, and contributes to the transformation of the population into a people. In one way or another, it will always be linked to the spiritual values that prevail in society. But how can this be implemented in practice, so that it is the property of the people, the basis for their unification and consolidation? The authors suggest ways to formulate and fill the national idea in Russia through the Constitution. The national idea formulated in the constitutional postulates is not an abstract phenomenon, but the basis of the political and legal unity of the people. At the same time, the authors associate the objective difficulties of developing such an idea with the Constitution itself, its ideological and ideological imperfection. The authors come to the
conclusion about the necessity of further constitutional reform.


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Author Biographies

Ivan N. Kuksin, Belgorod National Research University

doctor of law, Professor of the Department of history and theory of state and law, Ipiu MSPU, Moscow, Russia and Professor of the Department of constitutional and international law, BelSU law Institute,

Belgorod, Russia

Nikolay V. Selikhov, Belgorod National Research University

PhD in law, independent researcher


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How to Cite

Kuksin, I. N., & Selikhov, N. V. (2021). National idea in the Russian constitution: theoretical assessment of key provisions. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(4), 732-741.



Public law (state-legal) sciences