Intelligentsia, ideology and utopia in the epistemological project of K. Manheim


  • Anatoly А. Trunov Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law



hermeneutics, establishing discursivity, discourse of domination, production and translation of meanings, epistemological project, social technologies


Based on the principles of hermeneutics the article reconstructs the role of intellectuals,
ideology and utopia in the epistemological project of K. Manheim. This project was aimed at overcoming
the extremes of Marxist and other classical approaches to knowledge and practice, to develop the
theoretical foundations of epistemologically neutral sociology, purged of any "impurities" of ideology or
utopia. K. Manheim considered ideology as a kind of collective consciousness of the dominant social
groups. Utopias, according to him, express ideas about the desired society of deprived categories of the
population. Also K. Manheim sought to exert as much influence as possible on the formation of the "freefloating intelligentsia", not as a philosophical or sociological abstraction, but as a real social macrosubject that can offer a transforming society an attractive image of the future and manage the most
complex processes of its development on the basis of advanced social technologies.

Author Biography

Anatoly А. Trunov, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law

PhD, Associate Professor, Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law,

Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

TrunovA. А. (2021). Intelligentsia, ideology and utopia in the epistemological project of K. Manheim. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(4), 711-718.



Human. Culture. Society