Qualitative and quantitative features of the cultural information translation
informational interchange, cultural adaptation, empirical mediators, classification of communicative schemes, internalization and formalization of cultural knowledgeAbstract
Translation of cultural information is a fundamental process in the system of individual’s social
adaptation. Obtaining of structured, filtered and ready-to-use information from the cultural sphere
significantly reduces the load on the person’s cognitive system in relation to the tasks faced, which is
especially important due to rapidly increasing volumes of information in the modern world. The paper
discusses qualitative (objectivity, reliability, completeness, usefulness, clarity, accessibility, stability) and
quantitative (volume, discreteness, data transfer rate, proportional relationship of communication
directions, number of hierarchical and parallel system connections) cultural translation parameters. It also
analyzes various methodologies for studying the processes of cultural exchange offered by the fields of
knowledge adjacent to philosophy, such as psychology, cultural studies, linguistics, ethnography, and the
general theory of information.
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