The Mysticism of the Masters and the Mysticism of the Women: on the Question about the Relation between the Theoretical and the Experiential Mysticism


  • Mikhail Ju. Reutin,



mysticism, scholasticism, transcription of the experience,, ntrinsic attributive analogy, subsistence, mystical unity with God


This article is devoted to the relation between the experiential and the theoretical mysticism and demonstrates this relation on the material of the writings, belonging to German women-Dominicans from the XIV century and the writings of J. Eckhart, H. Suso and J. Tauler. The research is aimed to demonstrate, how one or the other experiential phenomenon receives a description and an explanation in concepts of the medieval philosophy (intrinsic attributive analogy, subsistence, etc.), so that philosophical structures become a methodical description of the phenomena of the everyday experience.


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How to Cite

Reutin, M. J. (2021). The Mysticism of the Masters and the Mysticism of the Women: on the Question about the Relation between the Theoretical and the Experiential Mysticism. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(4), 604-613.



History of philosophy, social sciences and humanities