Renovation of social solidarity idea: experience of the Belgorod region
the article was prepared with the financial support of the RFBR in the framework of the scientific project "Renovation of socio-cultural constants as a factor of reproduction and development of regional communities" (no. 20-011-00482).
region, social instability, chaos, risks, social reality, social disjunction, solidarityAbstract
The purpose of the article is to analyze the main stages of renovation process socio-cultural constants based on the experience, accumulated in the Belgorod region during the evelopment and implementation of the Strategy "Formation of a regional solidarity society for 2011-2025". Research methodology: the article is based on the theory of social risks, according to which risk is increasingly becoming a leveling norm of daily existence in an unstable social environment, as well as the theory of social anomie (a state expressed in the value instability of society). Results: it is proved that socio-cultural constants are unambiguously established on the basis of public convention, which are not questioned by followers, complexes of value-normative ideas that determine people behavior in relationships with others. It is noted that value patterns, social norms, sign systems, and behavioral models can be considered as sociocultural constants. Renovation is defined as the process of a socio-cultural phenomenon actualization in society and its subsequent transformation into a factor that affects the behavior of large cocial groups. It is argued that in structural terms, the renovation of any socio-cultural phenomenon includes several procedures: identification of renovation object (selection from the total mass of constants that make up the content of the regional cultural and historical tradition); meaningful interpretation of the socio-cultural constant (determination of the essence of the "renovated" object, its interpretation in the context of modern ideas); multiplication of a socio-cultural constant (formulation of a set of values whose content correlates with the constant and together with which it can represent a single value-semantic complex); conversion of the constant into behavioral models of the population. The conclusion is formulated that the main criterion for selecting of renovation object should be functionality, which is expressed in the ability to solve the problem of overcoming the process of social disjunction and ensuring the reproduction of the regional community.
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