Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Russia: Sovereign vs Globalist Approach


  • Anatoly V. Chernyaev The Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS



artificial intelligence, ethics, intellectual sovereignty, globalization, international organizations, UNESCO, Russian philosophy


Based on the analysis of literature, Russian and international regulatory documents on the development and ethical regulation of artificial intelligence, a turn is noted from the study of direct military-technological and infrastructural risks to the analysis of broader socio-humanitarian consequences of the intensive implementation of digital technologies. The content and main results of Russian scientific, public and political discussions on the socio-ethical problems of artificial intelligence, the range of problems, opinions and arguments are considered. Including: questions about the conceptual prerequisites for the admission of social subjectivity and the legal status of artificial intelligence, the relationship between the development of digital technologies and the transhumanism project, and a religious interpretation of the phenomenon of artificial intelligence. The importance of introducing artificial intelligence technologies for Russia is substantiated, taking into account the demographic situation and socio-economic tasks. An attempt is made to assess the relevance of international experience for Russia, in particular the UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, demonstrating the philosophical and political-ideological focus of this document, as well as the functionality of international organizations in the context of modern world politics. The inconsistency of a number of intentions of the UNESCO document with traditional values and national interests of Russia is established. The question of the need to update the Russian philosophical heritage as a conceptual basis for the development of a national doctrine of the ethics of artificial intelligence is raised.


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Author Biography

Anatoly V. Chernyaev, The Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Leading Research Fellow



Список источников

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Abstract views: 5




How to Cite

Chernyaev, A. V. (2024). Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Russia: Sovereign vs Globalist Approach. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(4), 756-768.



Human. Culture. Society. Morality