Formation a Mechanism of Selective Influence on Socio-Demographic Determinants of Rural Development in the Chernozem Region


  • Galina N. Gaidukova RANEPA St. Petersburg — the branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Ivan V. Konev Belgorod State National Research University
  • Nikolay S. Danakin Belgorod State Technological University



rural areas, sustainable development, socio-demographic determinants, selective influence


Sustainable development of rural areas, which allows to balance social, demographic, economic, environmental and other aspects of life of the regional society, is one of the priority areas of the state policy of the Russian Federation. Its implementation requires an integrated approach, including interaction between state institutions, local communities and the private sector, which makes it possible to use available resources most efficiently, provide favorable conditions for people's lives and optimize the territorial structure of settlement. Due to an insufficient development of conceptual approaches to the sustainable development of non-urbanized territories, the authors set a goal – to develop a mechanism for selective influence of rural development on the socio-demographic determinants based on an interdisciplinary synthesis of research. This paper provides a first-ever identification of the key elements of the institutional, organizational and managerial, economic, infrastructural, and information sections, suggesting ways to implement each of them in rural areas. The proposed mechanism of selective influence on socio-demographic determinants is aimed at solving strategic problems, overcoming obstacles and barriers that can have the most significant and long-term impact on the course of reproductive processes in rural areas.


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Author Biographies

Galina N. Gaidukova, RANEPA St. Petersburg — the branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of management, RANEPA, St. Petersburg – North-West Institute of Management,
Saint Petersburg, Russia.




Ivan V. Konev, Belgorod State National Research University

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Technologies and Public Administration, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.

Nikolay S. Danakin, Belgorod State Technological University

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management, V.G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University,
Belgorod, Russia.


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Ward N., Atterton J., Kim T.Y., Lowe P., Phillipson J. Thompson N. 2005. Universities, the Knowledge Economy and ‘Neo-Endogenous Rural Development’. Centre for Rural Economy Discussion Paper Series, 1: 1–15.

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How to Cite

Gaidukova, G. N., Konev, I. V., & Danakin, N. S. (2024). Formation a Mechanism of Selective Influence on Socio-Demographic Determinants of Rural Development in the Chernozem Region. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(4), 669-685.



Sociology, social structures and processes, social technologies