"Kantian variations" by M. Mamardashvili: The Specifics of the Text and Thought





Mamardashvili, Kant, language, reason, freedom, ontology


The original specificity of the text is considered, in which Kant's philosophy is thought through in a special language, in a register of new concepts. Emphasized, that Mamardashvili's thorough preparation for the presentation of his "Variations", expressed in a firm conceptual stance on many aspects of Kant's teaching. Kant's teaching in Mamardashvili is confidently reduced to the ontology of the Event, which is valuable in modern philosophy. The study reveals the main themes of "Variations": Kant's personality, the problem of morality, the intuition of freedom, the theory of reason, questions of form and synthesis of experience, the problem of time and uniqueness, the absolute correspondence of transcendental consciousness and the empirical world. It is shown that the possibility of coincidence of pure and empirical consciousness is realized by Mamardashvili through the image of the Mobius strip. In general, we highly appreciate Mamardashvili's "Kantian Variations", which makes a rare attempt at holistic thinking through a complex Kantian ontology.


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Author Biography

Dmitry L. Ustimenko, North Caucasus Branch of the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of General Scientific Training


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How to Cite

Ustimenko, D. L. (2024). "Kantian variations" by M. Mamardashvili: The Specifics of the Text and Thought. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(3), 428-438. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-746X-2024-49-3-428-438



History of philosophy, social sciences and humanities