Problem of Integrating Metamodernist Theory into the Field of Contemporary Academic Humanitarian and Philosophique Researches


  • Dmitry A. Soloviev Tula State University



metamodernism, conceptions of post-postmodernism, quasi-academic status of metamodernism, philosophic stagnation, postmodernocentriс approach


Descriptive metamodernist theory, summarizing experience of post-postmodernist cultural
and  philosophic researches of the XXI century, continues to sustain its quasi-academic status. This theoretical conception introduced in 2010 to elaborate philosophic conceptualization of  contemporary society and cultural background after postmodernism is almost unused by scholars of humanitarian field. Despite that discussions about “the death of postmodernism” have already been held for several decades, neither previous versions of post-postmodernism, nor metamodernism haven`t become a theoretical basis for studying socio-cultural phenomenon and processes emerging in the XXI century. Metamodernism is still discussed apart from the academic institutions mostly among non-specialists like thematic groups in social medias, blogs. Due to the fact that  metamodernism isn`t enough studied, the present article gives for the first time analysis of the reasons for its marginal position in the sphere of scientific philosophic- humanitarian researches. The aim of this work is to identify the factors hindering metamodernism to be used as a theoretical tool for philosophic and socio-humanitarian studies led by professional scientists. The author comes to the following conclusion: quasi-academic status of metamodernism is conditioned by such factors as the approach, used by the authors, not enough elaborated postulates of the theory,  interest for metamodernism mostly among non-specialists, postmodernocentric approach of academics towards phenomenon of contemporary epoch, unusual postulates of metamodernism, describing contemporaneity as renovation of pre-postmodernism,  as well as problems of neoliberal policy in the scientific field and universities resulting in lowering quality of philosophic education in the XXI century.

Author Biography

Dmitry A. Soloviev, Tula State University

postgraduate student of the Department of philosophy, Tula State University, Tula, Russia.


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Abstract views: 11




How to Cite

Soloviev, D. A. (2024). Problem of Integrating Metamodernist Theory into the Field of Contemporary Academic Humanitarian and Philosophique Researches. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(2), 398-407.


