Transformation of cultural practices of exchange


  • O.B. Serostanova Luhansk Taras Shevchenko national University



symbolic exchange, semantic field, communication, transformation, mythologization, fragmentation, mass media, simulacrum


The culture of the XXI century is rapidly changing the sphere of human relationships and the practice of their self-expression. The gap between the social and cultural component of being leads to a sense of "otherness". In order to create and create cultural images, the man of our time must acquire the gift. The culture of gift as a symbolic practice of exchange in archaic societies is reflected in the postmodern. It is connected with the search for new forms of exchange in virtual reality. The article attempts to determine the content basis of symbolic exchange in the culture of the information society. The author analyzes the views on the understanding of symbolic exchange from the positions of postmodern philosophy, anthropology philosophy, symbolic interactionism, structural anthropology of the communicative and world-system approach. The concept of cultural and symbolic exchange on the example of image communication is substantiated. The totality of its iconic incarnations forms the semantic field of communication between people. The issue of the principles of exchange in the space of real and virtual communication practices continues to be debatable.


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How to Cite

Serostanova, O. (2020). Transformation of cultural practices of exchange. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(2), 376-384.


