Mythological Chronotope and Archetypes of Everyday Life


  • Sergey A. Selyukov Belgorod State National Research University



mythologica, chronotope, Tempus, Templum, theory of archetypes, archetypes of everyday life, M. Eliade, K.-G. Jung


This article is devoted to the consideration of the concept of the mythological chronotope, represented by two basic components: Tempus (Sacred Time) and Templum ("Temple"). The concept was developed in the works of the classics of cultural studies, philosophy, and comparative religious studies ‒ M. Eliade, E.M. Meletinsky, V.N. Toporov. M. Eliade often uses the concept of "archetype" in his works on the mythological chronotope ‒ however, not in the sense in which this term is used by K.G. Jung. The work is based on the use of comparative, comparative-historical, systemic and hermeneutical scientific methodology. The analysis reveals significant similarities and differences between Eliade and Jung's approaches to the term "archetype": the first scientist examines its content in a cultural and historical context, the second – in a psychological one. The main difference between these approaches is: Eliade saw the contradiction between the sacred and the everyday world as insurmountable one, Jung proceeded from their essential unity. It seems appropriate in today's conditions to develop the category of "archetypes of everyday life" with the allocation of such their clusters as Home, Family, Work, Relationships, Health, Leisure, Everyday life, etc.


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Author Biography

Sergey A. Selyukov, Belgorod State National Research University

postgraduate student of the Department of Philosophy and Theology, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.


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Abstract views: 89




How to Cite

Selyukov, S. A. (2024). Mythological Chronotope and Archetypes of Everyday Life. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(1), 165-172.


