The Concept of Simple Legal Language as the Main Vector in the Development of Legal Technology in Anglo-Saxon Countries


  • Dmitriy A. Volkov Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia



legal technology, legal terminology, rules of law, legal and technical techniques, simple language


Modern development of society leads to the constant complication of social relations, which, in turn, stimulates the legislative processes taking place in the state. The resulting significant increase in the legislative  array brings to the agenda the issue of its optimization, the main tool of which is legal technology. Scientific research in this area conducted by Russian scientists, most often, is strictly focused on the interests of the Russian legislator and accumulates developed traditions and established technical and legal approaches. Meanwhile, studying foreign experience from the standpoint of assessing the effectiveness of installations tested in other conditions could significantly enrich this area. One of the fundamentally new technical and legal approaches to the design of legislation is the concept of simple legal language, formed in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon legal family, the study of which has received very little attention in the Russian literature. The article touches on the formation and development of the concept of simple legal English and its influence on the legislative activity of countries of the Anglo-Saxon legal family. It is noted that criticism of the legal language for its complexity and ambiguity by the scientific community and publicists led in the middle of the last century to the formation of a scientific movement that aimed to improve legal technology by developing techniques and methods for presenting text that simplify its perception by the user. The practical implementation of recommendations developed by the scientific community, formed by scientists at the intersection of linguistics and jurisprudence, has led to positive results. Initially published as recommendations, manuals on the preparation of legal texts were subsequently transformed into methodological recommendations and ultimately led to the re-drafting of the legislation of some countries, as well as to the realization of the need to normatively consolidate the developed techniques of simple legal English in the law. The author concludes that the concept of simple legal language is one of the most popular modern vectors for the development of legal technology used in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon legal family. The conclusion is drawn: the concept of simple legal language is currently a scientific approach to the improvement of legal technology, which has received its practical application in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon legal family.


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Author Biography

Dmitriy A. Volkov, Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Lecturer of the Forensics Department, Saint-Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia


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Abstract views: 107




How to Cite

Volkov, D. A. (2024). The Concept of Simple Legal Language as the Main Vector in the Development of Legal Technology in Anglo-Saxon Countries. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 49(1), 63-70.



Theoretical and historical legal sciences