Reasoning About the Target Problem of Philosophy in the Light of Phenomenology


  • Dmitry L. Ustimenko North-Caucasian branch of Moscow technical University of communications and Informatics



philosophy, theory of knowledge, the idea of the good, tradition, phenomenology


The article comprehends the specifics of philosophical knowledge. It is pointed out that the history of philosophy, with all the historical diversity of the teachings contained in it, is a single tradition. This implies the obligatory reproduction of the basic intuitions and theoretical concepts developed by the first philosophers, Plato and Aristotle. Their teachings contain a number of fundamental intuitions, including the reality of the world of ideas, the dualistic structure of cognition, the doctrine of concepts, categories, also about the Goodness and, accordingly, the goodness dimension of the human mind. The immediacy of these intuitions requires a methodology of constant return to their discretion and theoretical approbation. Moreover, the idea of the Goodness includes solutions to many genetic and existential problems. However, in the historical development of philosophy, the good dimension of knowledge is often forgotten, its actualization is fragmentary. The emphasis in philosophical knowledge is on formal epistemological theorizing. Radical critical understanding of the epistemological aspect is carried out in phenomenology, a kind of modern Platonism. Prospectively, Husserl and the French post-phenomenological philosophers comprehend the theological aspect of reason, however, in a functional context.

Author Biography

Dmitry L. Ustimenko, North-Caucasian branch of Moscow technical University of communications and Informatics

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Department of General Scientific Training, North-Caucasian branch of Moscow technical University of communications and Informatics,  Rostov-on-don, Russia.


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How to Cite

Ustimenko, D. L. (2023). Reasoning About the Target Problem of Philosophy in the Light of Phenomenology. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(3), 434-443.



Logic, methodology and philosophy of science