Religion and Philosophy: The Possibility of Synthesis (S. Kierkegaard and P. Florensky)


  • Tikhon V. Spirin Volgograd State University



religion, philosophy, synthesis, freedom, cult, hermeneutics, European philosophy, Russian philosophy, analytical philosophy


Understanding the origins, development and current state of philosophy shows the ambiguity of the problem of the interaction between philosophy and religion, which goes far beyond the usual opposition "theism – atheism". This article considers the possibility of synthesis of philosophy and religion in the context of European philosophy and Christianity. The opposition between the philosophy of freedom and the philosophy of reason, carried out by S. Kierkegaard, is shown, with the philosophy of freedom the belief, comprehended at first exclusively in logical categories, reaches its limit, becoming a paradox of present existence. It is argued that, according to P.A. Florensky's philosophy, everything, including philosophy, comes from a cult, and the cult is contained in religion; consequently, the synthesis of religion and philosophy is not so much possible as necessary, and the modus possible of the possible refers, on the contrary, to their disconnection. The conclusion is drawn that religion, as a bearer of a cult, may be within a philosophical system built on an atheistic basis, either as a rudiment or as a center linking very different cultural practices.


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Author Biography

Tikhon V. Spirin, Volgograd State University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Philosophy and Theory of Law, Volgograd State University,
Volgograd, Russia


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How to Cite

Spirin, T. V. (2023). Religion and Philosophy: The Possibility of Synthesis (S. Kierkegaard and P. Florensky). NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(2), 383-395.



Religious studies and state-confessional relations