The Meanings of the Concept of "Freedom" in Plato's Ideal State


  • Roman A. Ivashina Belgorod National Research University
  • Sergey S. Pocheptsov Belgorod National Research University



freedom, justice, restrictions, ideal state, laws, society


The theme of human freedom has never lost its relevance. Philosophers of different eras have pondered and proposed designs for a society in which maximum conditions would be created for the comfortable life of the individual and the whole society. At the same time, society is such a complex structure that excessive freedoms in one area are a consequence of infringement or even destruction of freedoms in other areas. This is the difficulty of searching for a balance between freedom and its restriction in order to create the best option for society. Plato proposes his ideal state where, in his opinion, the best balance between restrictions and freedom is created. What restrictions in the social structure (ideal state) leave freedom? Can we even talk about freedom? – is not only a subject for research but also for discussion. The study concludes that, according to Plato, the non-freedom of some people is a guarantee of freedom of others, which, according to the ancient philosopher, is acceptable for the existence of an "ideal" state.

Author Biographies

Roman A. Ivashina, Belgorod National Research University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Philosophy and Theology, Institute of Social Sciences and Mass Communications, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

Sergey S. Pocheptsov, Belgorod National Research University

Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia


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How to Cite

Ivashina, R. A., & Pocheptsov, S. S. (2023). The Meanings of the Concept of "Freedom" in Plato’s Ideal State. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(2), 352-358.



Human. Culture. Society. Morality