About the Socio-cultural Characteristics of the Older and Younger Generations of Modern Russians


  • Lyudmila G. Lebedeva Samara State University of Economics




generations, collectivism, individualism, indifference, types of mentality


The purpose of the study is to test the hypothesis of significant differences in the socio-cultural traits of older and younger age-generational groups (generations) of Russians as the basis of «actual or potential tensions and conflicts in the social space». The empirical basis of the article was the materials of the author's sociological research with the respondents' assessments of the main features of different generations of Russians. The only quality that, according to the overwhelming majority of respondents, is inherent to a very small extent in both the older and younger generations is cosmopolitanism. Three types of mentality (collectivism, indifference, individualism) are inherent in the older and younger generations in very different degrees and proportions. The liberal trend associated with the process of individualization has not bypassed Russia, but the conservative trend (respectively, conservative identity) in Russia retains its relatively strong positions. The socio-cultural features (characteristics, qualities) of generational groups of Russians determine their diverse relationships, respectively, trends and prospects for the development of the whole society.

Author Biography

Lyudmila G. Lebedeva, Samara State University of Economics

Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Psychology, Institute of Management, Samara State University of Economics,
Samara, Russia


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How to Cite

Lebedeva, L. G. (2023). About the Socio-cultural Characteristics of the Older and Younger Generations of Modern Russians. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(2), 244-254. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-746X-2023-48-2-244-254



Sociology, social structures and processes, social technologies