The Relationship of Being and Thinking in the Philosophy of Parmenides and Plato
being, thinking, сorrelationism, Plato, ParmenidesAbstract
The authors of the article turn to two fundamental concepts of Western European philosophy – being and thinking. These categories are again in the spotlight thanks to the philosophy of correlationism or speculative realism. Thinkers of the mentioned direction make an attempt to overcome the strong connection of being and thinking, focusing their criticism on the figure of I. Kant. However, the founders of the analyzed categories are ancient thinkers – Parmenides and Plato. The ancient Eleatic for the first time proclaims the principle of «being and thinking are the same», where the main role is played by a spherical being that allows a person to comprehend its truth. In turn, Plato introduces balance into this thesis, pointing out the similar structure of man and ontology with the help of the image of the line in the VI book of Republic. Meanwhile, the thinker justifies the existence of non-being as other in relation to being, which makes it possible to present a multitude of ideas at the heart of existence, and not a single sphere-like.
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