Understanding of Rationality in Astrology


  • Alexandra A. Elbakyan Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences




rationality, science, astrology, philosophy, history of science


 Rationality is one of the key issues in modern philosophy. By the wide variety of proposed approaches and general complexity the issue of rationality can be compared even to the hard problem of consciousness. To gain better understanding of what rational knowledge is, it may be helpful to study various views on rationality – not only those in science and philosophy, but also in the areas that are traditionally considered non-rational. One of such areas is astrology, a thousands-year-old belief that future events in human life can be predicted from positions of the stars at the time of birth. Just as other esoteric knowledge, astrology is severely stigmatized in modern scientific community, that prevents serious research in this area. This article is an inquiry into how astrologers conceive of rationality, based on their works ranging from the oldest available ones to modern sources. The sources confirm that astrological view of rationality aligns well with common view of science and is similar to some modern philosophical theories of rational thinnking.

Author Biography

Alexandra A. Elbakyan, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences

Postgraduate student in the Ontology and Theory of Knowledge sector, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 418




How to Cite

Elbakyan, A. A. (2023). Understanding of Rationality in Astrology. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 48(1), 14-24. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-746X-2023-48-1-14-24



Logic, methodology and philosophy of science