Social and Professional Expertise of Managerial Decisions on Socially Significant Problems of the City as a Tool for Reaching Consolidation


  • Vitaly V. Zotov Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)



digital platforms, social and professional expertise, socially significant problems, stakeholders, management decisions


An important role in the consolidation of the city community of the process is played by the presence of a mechanism for the majority of stakeholders to agree on management decisions to socially significant problems of the city and its justification by specialists. The purpose of this study was to justify the possibility of using public-professional expertise as a mechanism for consolidating the urban community. The public-professional expertise is proposed to mean a human-sized consideration and critical assessment by representatives of stakeholders of all available information on socially significant problems in order to increase the validity of decision-making. As a result of the expert survey, significant representatives of stakeholders in the network space of public communication were identified from the point of view of participation in solving socially significant problems, and further analysis made it possible to characterize them from the standpoint of orientation in the problem, awareness and the degree of objectivity of judgments. The main purpose of such platforms is to configure relational networks from representatives of stakeholder, that is, to create a pool of participants in social and professional expertise with positive interdependence that contributes to solving socially significant problems.


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Author Biography

Vitaly V. Zotov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)

Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the Educational and Scientific Center for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Moscow Institute, Physics and Technology (National Research University),
Dolgoprudny, Russia.


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How to Cite

Zotov, V. V. (2022). Social and Professional Expertise of Managerial Decisions on Socially Significant Problems of the City as a Tool for Reaching Consolidation. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(4), 682-690.



Sociology and social technologies