The Principles of the Judiciary in the Constitution of Unrecognized State of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus


  • Alexey P. Treskov Rostov State Transport University



principles, judiciary, unrecognized state, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Northern Cyprus, Constitutional Court, constitutionalism, constitutional principles


Unrecognized and partially recognized states in the modern world depends highly on the economic, political and military support of those countries, whose interests made their independence possible. Turkey's support of the unrecognized Republic of Northern Cyprus is certainly not only in the economic, political and military spheres, but also in the legal arrangements within the conditioned territory, the basic document of which is the constitution. In the process of preparing any type of legal act limiting the supreme power, the enshrining in it of the constitutional principles of the judicial power acquires a special meaning. Based on the analysis of the constitution of Northern Cyprus the following principles of judiciary are formalized: the principle of reciprocity of execution of judgments; the principle of consideration of a case in the court and by the judge to whose jurisdiction it is referred by law; the principle of non-admission of extraordinary courts; the principle of motivation of the court decision; the principle of inquiry assessment of the constitutionality of laws and some others.


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Author Biography

Alexey P. Treskov, Rostov State Transport University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the Rostov State University of Railway Transport, Retired Federal Judge,

Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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Abstract views: 129




How to Cite

Treskov, A. P. (2022). The Principles of the Judiciary in the Constitution of Unrecognized State of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(3), 561-569.



Public law (state-legal) sciences