In Place of Postmodernity: A Review of New Concepts of the State of Culture and Society


  • Karina M. Retsova Southern Federal University, Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences



social philosophy, post-postmodernism, metamodernism, hypermodernism, transmodernism, automodernism, digimodernism, cosmomodernism, performatism, neomodernism


The question of what sociocultural paradigm has replaced postmodernism is being actively studied by philosophers and culturologists today. Due to the fact that the works of Western authors on this topic have been little studied and not translated into Russian, Russian humanitarian thought is not enriched with new interpretations of the current state of culture, remaining in an indefinite relationship to the end of postmodernity. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the fact of the end of the postmodern era and supplement the languages of description of the modern era with the help of a review of modern concepts of the state of culture and society. In the course of the work, a collection and analysis of the latest concepts that describe the conditional term "post-postmodern" was carried out. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the presented concepts focus on the changes that have occurred with modern society over the past 20 years. The results of the study complement the language of description of the new socio-cultural paradigm for all those involved in research in the field of social philosophy, cultural studies and sociology.

Author Biography

Karina M. Retsova, Southern Federal University, Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences

Postgraduate Student, Department of Social Philosophy, Southern Federal University, Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences,

Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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How to Cite

Retsova, K. M. (2022). In Place of Postmodernity: A Review of New Concepts of the State of Culture and Society. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(3), 474-482.



Human. Culture. Society