The methodology of science and applied analytics: the parameter of completeness of coverage and completeness of accounting for the determining factors in the study


  • Igor.V. Ponkin Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia) (IPACS, RANEPA)



science, applied analytics, research methodology, parameters of scientific and / or analytical quality of research


The significance, content and features of such a qualitative parameter of scientific research and applied analytical research as completeness are pranalized. It is shown that the set of questions about the actual and most adequately reflecting the objectivity of the parameters of scientific quality of scientific research is one of the most complex and at the same time poorly studied. The author shows the measure of the parameter of completeness of coverage and completeness of accounting for determining factors-in relation to scientific or applied analytical research. A review of definitions and interpretations of the research completeness parameter presented in the scientific literature is given. The author shows the place of the studied parameter in the total volume of other key parameters of the study, especially the relationship with them. In particular, the author considers the parameters of integrity, clarity, depth, and latitude. The article offers the author's concept of interpretation and explanation of this parameter. The author's classification of the internal structure of the integral parameter under study is presented.

Author Biography

Igor.V. Ponkin, Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow, Russia) (IPACS, RANEPA)

Professor, doctor of legal Scienc-es, Professor of chair of state and municipal man-agement faculty of state and municipal manage-ment Institute of public service and administration of Russian presidential Academy of national econ-omy and state service under the RF President, Moscow, Russia


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How to Cite

Ponkin, I. (2020). The methodology of science and applied analytics: the parameter of completeness of coverage and completeness of accounting for the determining factors in the study. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(2), 212-219.



Logic, methodology and philosophy of science