The Figure of Podvizhnik as Anthropological Type in the Heritage of N.K. Mikhailovsky


  • Aleksei Y. Viazinkin Tambov State Technical University



N.K. Mikhailovsky, Russian Narodnik’s, sovereign personality, podvizhnik, social philosophy


The focus of the article is on the figure of podvizhnik, anthropological type of "rebellious human", proposed by the Russian thinkerk Nikolay Konstantinovich Mikhailovsky (1842–1904). In the classification of thinker podvizhnik, unlike volnitsa, represents passive social protest. In the social philosophy of Mikhailovsky, the social ideal is subordinate to anthropological, and the latter is built on the basis of eticism. The type of "rebellious human" is defined by the form of his desire for "truth-justice". Volnitsa represents active social and political protest, fight for social equality or for equality of social privileges. While the podvizhnik fights for individuality, voluntarily excluding himself from the social system, he gains sovereignty in autonomous existence. An important aspect of the development of the problem of sovereign personality in the works of Mikhailovsky is the religious connotations of the term podvizhnik. Narodnik’s thought by "religious devotion" to ideals implied the ability of an integral individual not only to set goals for themselves, but also to achieve them. Unity of knowledge and action, a will effort that allows a person to become a subject of the historical process, that is, to convert "existing" into "due", is a condition under which the person goes from subordination to sovereignty.


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Author Biography

Aleksei Y. Viazinkin, Tambov State Technical University

Ph.D. in Philosophy, associate professor of the Department «History and Philosophy», Tambov State Technical University, Tambov, Russia  ORCID: 0000-0003-3821-6168


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How to Cite

Viazinkin, A. Y. (2022). The Figure of Podvizhnik as Anthropological Type in the Heritage of N.K. Mikhailovsky. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(2), 210-218.



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