The Problem of Innovative Traditionalism in Slavophile Philosophy


  • Roman A. Lopin Belgorod National Research University
  • Sergey S. Pocheptsov Belgorod National Research University



philosophy, russian philosophical thought, history, culture, self-consciousness, religion, slavophilism, traditionalism, patriotism, liberalism


The article is devoted to the topic of development in Russian philosophical thought of an original direction of philosophical thought based on spiritual and cultural traditionalism. It became the starting point of Slavophile consciousness, its deep basis. The phenomenon of Slavophilism as the beginning of philosophical grounding of Russia's own self-consciousness in the age of expansion of alien in its origin ideas of Russian political, social, cultural etc. development has an important place in understanding of formation of Russian philosophy of the last centuries. The themes raised by the Slavophiles are relevant and debatable in modern times. These topics determine the conservative-patriotic vector in modern Russian philosophy, which in its turn leads to the study of Slavophilism as one of the central tendencies in Russian philosophical thought, revealing the topic of innovative or creative traditionalism in the philosophy of Slavophiles and their followers, and its conflict with liberalization of Russian consciousness.

Author Biographies

Roman A. Lopin, Belgorod National Research University

PhD. in Philosophy, docent, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia.

Sergey S. Pocheptsov, Belgorod National Research University

PhD. in Philosophy, docent, Department of Philosophy and Theology, Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

Lopin, R. A., & Pocheptsov, S. S. (2022). The Problem of Innovative Traditionalism in Slavophile Philosophy. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(1), 47-52.



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