Development of a System of Project Teamwork Management Indicators As a Social Macro Techno Package: Results of Practical Research


  • Pyotr V. Polushin Samara State University of Economics



the system of key indicators (KPI), the algorithm for developing KPI, the assessment of the consistency of experts, the socio-professional profile of experts


The article deals with the issues related to the development of a system of indicators for managing project teamwork as a social macro-technology package (SMPT) in the analysis and liquidation of emergency situations (emergencies) of various types. The principles of developing an effective system of key indicators (KPI) are given. The algorithm for developing a KPI system for managing project teamwork as a SMP in the analysis of emergency response is considered, a brief description of individual blocks of the algorithm is given. The KPI system (frame-package of solutions) is analyzed, which includes indicators related to the technology of emergency response management as a project, management of a specific stage of such a project, team management parameters (form and format of work organization), as well as solutions related to the structure of the MAI-hierarchy controlling the process (formulation and number of levels and vertices) in the hierarchy. The assessment of the experts' consistency according to the developed KPI system is given, the socio-professional profile of the experts is given.

Author Biography

Pyotr V. Polushin, Samara State University of Economics

Deputy Head of the Training Department of the Training and Methodological Centre of the Academy, State Fire Service of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, Moscow, Russia


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Abstract views: 369




How to Cite

Polushin, P. V. (2022). Development of a System of Project Teamwork Management Indicators As a Social Macro Techno Package: Results of Practical Research. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 47(1), 34-41.



Sociology and social technologies