How is the Coevolution of hu Man and Technology Possible. Review of the Book by V. A. Kutyrev, V. V. Slyusarev, T. M. Khusyainov "Humanity and Technos: The Philosophy of Coevolution" (St. Petersburg, Ed. Aleteya, 2020. – 260 p.)


  • Alexey S. Timoshchuk Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia



digitalization, globalization, modernization, transhumanism, agenderism


Philosophers used to explain, but in an era when there are more speakers than listeners, they have to roar. The three authors of "Humanity and Technos" are in solidarity with this alarmist credo. The purpose of the book is to point out the dangers of globalization, digitalization and transhumanism (postgenderism), leading to the degradation of the human being itself, represented in various modes (individual, female, male, patrimonial, ethnic, national, humane, sapient, reasonable, intuitive, transcendent, etc.). Vladimir Kutyrev, Vladimir Slyusarev and Timur Khusainov have launched a new antitechnocratic icebreaker, which is supposed to punch the Mortido ice, which fettered humanity after the curse of Technos.

Author Biography

Alexey S. Timoshchuk, Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Doctor of Philoso-phy, Professor of the Department of Humani-tarian and Socio-Economic Disciplines of the Vladimir Law Institute of the Federal Peniten-tiary Service of Russia, Vladimir, Russia

Abstract views: 184




How to Cite

Timoshchuk, A. S. (2021). How is the Coevolution of hu Man and Technology Possible. Review of the Book by V. A. Kutyrev, V. V. Slyusarev, T. M. Khusyainov "Humanity and Technos: The Philosophy of Coevolution" (St. Petersburg, Ed. Aleteya, 2020. – 260 p.). NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(3), 610-614.


