New Mythology: Responding to Metamodern Challenges


  • Karina M. Retsova Southern Federal University



social philosophy, new mythology, myth, metamodern, symbolic system, modern challenges, oscillation, social integration


In the modern sociocultural paradigm, a new mythology is one of the dominant ways of understanding reality. Awareness of the features of mythological thinking allows you to objectively comprehend and analyze the changes occurring with the individual and society. Despite the interest in contemporary cultural dynamics, the phenomenon of new mythology has been little studied and is rarely seen as a cognitive basis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the new mythology as a response to the needs of the metamodern man in ordering his life in the conditions of multidirectional information flows. The study of the problem makes it possible, using examples from the socio-cultural sphere, to reveal how, embedding in new mythological structures, a person acquires identity and the illusion of social stability. The results obtained contribute to the idea of the formation of the subject's self-identity, the peculiarities of his socio-cultural interactions and social reality.

Author Biography

Karina M. Retsova, Southern Federal University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Social Philosophy, Southern Federal University, Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences, Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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Abstract views: 162




How to Cite

Retsova, K. M. (2021). New Mythology: Responding to Metamodern Challenges. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(3), 584–591.–591


