Special constitutional and legal guarantees for the implementation of the principles of the judiciary


  • Alexey P. Treskov Rostov state University of railway engineering




principles of judicial power, constitutional and legal guarantees, program-target method, openness, transparency


The article presents the rationale for the program-target method as a kind of constitutional and legal guarantees for the implementation of the principles of the judiciary. The author analyzes modern normative legal acts containing norms that have the declared guarantee potential. It is established that from the very beginning of the centralized application of the program-target method in Russia, its effect extends to the judiciary. This is confirmed by independent federal targeted programs for the development of the Russian judicial system, as well as the institutional inclusion of the Judicial Department under the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. In a series of federal targeted programs for the development of the Russian judicial system, since 2002, it has become traditional to combine the performance indicators of planned measures with the principles of the judiciary. As a suggestion related to the strengthening of special constitutional and legal guarantees for the implementation of the principles of the judiciary, the author makes a thesis about the recommendatory continuity of special federal target programs, as well as specialization within departmental varieties.

Author Biography

Alexey P. Treskov, Rostov state University of railway engineering

PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law


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Abstract views: 303




How to Cite

Treskov, A. P. (2021). Special constitutional and legal guarantees for the implementation of the principles of the judiciary. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(2), 385-391. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-746X-2021-46-2-385-391



Public law (state-legal) sciences