Distinguishing issues of fact and law: a comparative legal study


  • Ivan N. Kuksin Moscow City Pedagogical University
  • Nikita Y. Zelenin Moscow City Pedagogical University




questions of fact and law, limits of judicial review, foreign law, prejudice


The idea of distinguishing between questions of fact and law in Western doctrine has been studied in great detail for centuries not only by legal scholars, but also by law enforcement officials, in particular by high courts. This is due to the fact that questions of factual circumstances in this legal system were traditionally decided by juries, while questions of law were the responsibility of judges. The authors proceed from the fact that the study of the essence of the differentiation of issues of fact and law is a necessary element of the formation of a modern and logical professional legal understanding, since problems and disputes on this topic remain relevant, both in terms of specific law enforcement and in terms of an abstract understanding of the essence of the phenomena under study. The article provides a brief comparative legal description of examples of the use of the concept of distinguishing issues of fact and law in various legal systems.

Author Biographies

Ivan N. Kuksin, Moscow City Pedagogical University

Professor, Doctor of Law, Professor of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law

Nikita Y. Zelenin, Moscow City Pedagogical University

PhD Student, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Institute of Law and Management


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Abstract views: 372




How to Cite

Kuksin, I. N., & Zelenin, N. Y. (2021). Distinguishing issues of fact and law: a comparative legal study. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(2), 353-360. https://doi.org/10.52575/2712-746X-2021-46-2-353-360



Public law (state-legal) sciences