Generational attitudes to family, children and intergenerational relationships: challenges and trends


  • Lyudmila G. Lebedeva Samara State University of Economics


generations, continuity of generations, «fathers and children», attitude to family and children, intergenerational relations


Complex and contradictory intergenerational relationships are evaluated more deeply and comprehensively, multidimensional and voluminous with the help of complex analysis. Sociological materials show a complex "mosaic" picture, in which, on the one hand, positive assessments of the family as "hope and support" predominate, and the family and children are associated with the concept of "happiness", on the other hand, negative assessments of the relationship between modern parents and children predominate. The problem of the contradiction between parents and children, according to the majority of respondents, is not the most acute, but it is quite relevant. Alarmism in relation to the modern family is unnecessary, but certain problems require serious attention. Accordingly, sociological research is designed to identify the specifics of the contradictions of "fathers and children" in order to find ways to harmonize the relationships between generations in the context of social management, socialization of younger generations and re-socialization of older generations.

Author Biography

Lyudmila G. Lebedeva, Samara State University of Economics

Senior Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Psychology, Samara State University of Economics,
Samara, Russia


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How to Cite

Lebedeva, L. G. (2021). Generational attitudes to family, children and intergenerational relationships: challenges and trends. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 46(1), 47-57. Retrieved from



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