The french philosophy of the classical age and the ourdays: two images of the modernity
modernity, philosophy, history of philosophy, Enlightenment, postmodernity, reflectionAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of philosophical modernity as a conceptual concept that fixes the key moments of self-understanding of modern philosophy. The author proposes to typify philosophical reflection on modernity in such a way that one can talk about its various models. Conducting a comparative analysis of the modernity of the classical era and the modernity of our time, he proposes to highlight the key points in both cases of philosophical reflection and clearly identify the features of their similarities and differences. Starting from the productive thought of M. Foucault, the author proposes to consider the classical model of modernity from the point of view of its reliance on the tradition of history and the historiography born in the Age of Enlightenment, while the current model, according to the author, is distinguished by a radical break with the historical tradition and reliance on the legal and philosophical discourse. Considering various types of philosophical modernity, the author comes to the conclusion about the impossibility of an integral definition of the phenomenon of modernity as a unique epistemological threshold, without taking at the same time the extremes of a culturological definition of this phenomenon as periodically repeating and typically reproduced.
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