Difference of order from other legal acts executive authorities


  • Andrey V. Chernyshe Saratov State Law Academy




legal acts, resolutions, orders, rules, instructions, regulations, Executive authorities


It is necessary to make a detailed distinction between the legal acts of the Executive authorities that are responsible for issuing orders, regulations, rules, instructions and regulations, as well as orders, since each of the acts has its own characteristics and grounds for their adoption. Since there are no comprehensive studies of this issue, the author presents an analysis of various forms of legal acts of Executive authorities, including resolutions, orders, rules, instructions and regulations. The characteristic
features of each of the forms of legal acts are revealed. So, the specifics of the resolution is evident in the collegial nature of decision; the rules and regulations are issued to clarify the implementation of the superior instrument, perform a specific action, operation; the acceptance of the terms is held to detailed regulation of legal status of organizations and enterprises. It is established that the order and the order, unlike other types of acts, are quite similar categories, but there are still differences: the hierarchy and the official nature of the order. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop the conceptual apparatus of the
acts under consideration and the requirements for their adoption.


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Author Biography

Andrey V. Chernyshe, Saratov State Law Academy

candidate of the Department of State Theory and Law of FSBOU VO "Saratov State Law Academy,"

Saratov, Russia


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Abstract views: 768




How to Cite

Chernyshe, A. V. (2020). Difference of order from other legal acts executive authorities. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(3), 565-571. https://doi.org/10.18413/2712-746X-2020-45-3-565-571



Public law (state-legal) sciences