Guaranteeing the right to vote: Russian legislative experience


  • Vladimir A. Troyan Belgorod National Research University



human rights, the guarantees of the subjective suffrage, guarantees of the electoral rights, the law, elections, referendum


of development of the Russian state in connection with the identification of norms in them that guarantee the right to vote. It is stated that from 1978 to the present time there has been a fragmentary special legislative stage of formalization of guarantees of subjective electoral rights, which the author linked to the fact that the term «guarantees» is used in normative legal acts in the form of laws on elections of various levels, in correlation with the electoral law. With the adoption in 1997 of Federal law
№ 124-FZ «On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation», a framework-specific legislative stage of formalization of guarantees of subjective electoral rights in Russia began, associated with the presence of a special document that universally consolidated the sought guarantees. The legal norms of these periods are part of the constitutional and legal system for guaranteeing subjective suffrage in Russia.

Author Biography

Vladimir A. Troyan, Belgorod National Research University

post-graduate student of the Department of constitutional and international law of the law Institute of the Belgorod state national research University,

Belgorod, Russia


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Abstract views: 576




How to Cite

Troyan, V. A. (2020). Guaranteeing the right to vote: Russian legislative experience. NOMOTHETIKA: Philosophy. Sociology. Law, 45(3), 558-564.



Public law (state-legal) sciences